Why a site might be taken offline

Sites on this platform will be taken offline for any of the following reasons without warning:

  1. The site uses more resources then allowed and impacts other sites' performance. Normally this means the site has not been set up correctly. 
  2. The site becomes compromised or hacked.
  3. A user has tried to disable the site's default security controls. 

Note: After a site is taken offline without warning, an email will be sent to the primary contact of the site. 

Sites on this platform will be taken offline for any of the following reasons with warning:

  1. The shortcode is closed or has a significant balance for the yearly hosting charge.
  2. The site uses more resources then allowed on the platform and is in danger of impacting other sites. Normally this means the site is not set up correctly. 
  3. The site is configured in such a way that it is not secure. 

When a site is taken offline, nothing is deleted or removed, but end users will not be able to access the site. After 2 months, the site will be purged from all servers if the problem has not been fixed.